Wednesday, August 31, 2011


X-ray and xylophone are the only two words we know that begin with X.

Yes it is true, we do have an alphabetical order theme. 
It helps us remember all the things we don't like. 

But honestly a magic camera that can see inside your body??? 
Sounds like government brain washing to us. 

And do you know a single person besides babies that plays the xylophone? 
We don't! 
And babies can't  speak and poop in their pants.   

Actually we are against all things that begin with the letter X.
It reminds us of pirates and we are against it. 

PS.  We did post that picture of the penguin x-ray intentionally. We are against penguins as well. What kind of bird can't fly?


Toys and physics just don't mix. 
Like what the heck man!
Yo-yos are inexpensive, are not battery operated, and there is no app for it on our I-phones. 


And how do they work anyways? Does anyone know ? 
Doubt it! 
In our opinion yo-yos are just crazy caveman toys created by witchcraft and we are against them.


WHAT?!!?? Are you serious Mr. Zebra? Why on earth are you dressed like that?? 
Why not try a nice auburn, or caramel color? Don’t you think you would be a little safer?

“Oh hey Mrs. Lion” 

“I just put on this ridiculous black and white striped crazy suit, so you would be able to see me from miles away. Also I dressed my children and all my entire family in the same thing just in case. I think the black and white will look great with a splash of blood. Would you mind terribly coming over here and eating me?”

Oh you silly zebras!
In our opinion Zebras are nothing more than horses on a suicide mission, and we are against them.